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De Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA (Genève)

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About Us

**Since 1996, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA has been helping its private and institutional clients to implement tailor-made solutions to meet their wealth management needs.

Because every one of our clients is different, only a thorough understanding of their needs and the characteristics of their assets enables us to provide a distinctive, personalized service.

Whether individuals or companies, our customers are first and foremost faces, voices and identities. For us, getting to know each and every one of them is both a quality standard and an ethical principle. Because every one of our customers is different, only a thorough understanding of their needs and the characteristics of their assets enables us to provide a distinctive, personalized service.

Knowing our customers means:

  • differentiating our management approach according to their needs
  • providing them with stable contacts who are fully aware of the particularities of their assets and lifestyle
  • ensuring access to all the services required for optimal asset management, whether in financial, industrial or ethical terms.

**Since 1996, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Co Ltd has accompanied its clients, private and institutional, in their search for a lasting solution to their wealth management needs.
In view of our experience and knowledge, we interpret their varying needs and expectations in order to deliver a thorough, focused and personalised service **.

Whether our customers are individuals or corporates, they above all have faces, voices and identities. For us, it is both a quality standard and an ethical principle to know each one of them. Since each of our clients is different, it is only by thoroughly knowing his or her needs and what the client's assets are like that a distinctive and personalized service can be provided.

Knowing our clients is:

  • adapting our management approach to their needs
  • making sure that they have the same relationship managers who are familiar with of their specific assets and ways of lives
  • making sure that they can access all of the services required for optimal management of their assets, in financial, industrial and ethical terms.

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Location and contact

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De Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA

  • office address office address

    Rue de la Corraterie 12 1204 Genève

  • Phone Phone
    0223... Show number 022 317 00 30 *
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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De Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA